Grow Your Law Firm With

Keeland Media

Keeland Media specializes in providing marketing solutions, for law firms with the goal of helping them attract Quality Leads. We offer a range of services, including lead generation and other strategies to increase client acquisition.

Learn more about our attorney lead generation & marketing services.

Lawyer Marketing Services

At Keeland Media we provide marketing solutions specifically tailored for law firms. Our goal is to help these firms grow their client base by offering a variety of services. Including Lead Generation

Leads in 50+ Areas of Practice

Receive leads directly to your inbox across 50+ different legal practice areas

How It Work:


A consumer has a legal issue and needs to hire a lawyer and searches online to find a solution to their legal problem.


The consumer lands on one of the Landing Pages and fills out a detailed form with all of their case requirements.


We then take these detailed cases and deliver them to your firm as a new client inquiry, or lead.


Your firm proceeds to follow up with the consumer.