Attorney Lead Generation Services
Keeland Media is great for generating legal leads for law firms and attorneys. Providing legal leads for large and small firms across the U.S. in over 50+ practice areas.
Leads in 50+ different practice areas
No matter your legal specialty, we provide high quality leads.
Leads delivered directly to you (Via inbox, phone and CRM)
Sending you new leads directly to your email and CRM system as soon as possible.
You only pay for leads received
Providing your firm with leads on a Pay-Per-Lead basis.No hidden fees.
Why Pay-Per-Lead?
The Marketing Is Done For You
The world of marketing presents obstacles for law firms and generating leads in the legal field can be particularly challenging. Establishing a marketing strategy demands a significant investment of time, effort, and upfront costs all while facing uncertain results.
Fortunately Tommy Media offers a solution with our pay per lead program. We take on the responsibility of managing your marketing campaign and provide you with what you need; customized leads tailored specifically to your legal practice. You can trust us to handle the intricacies involved while delivering targeted leads directly to your firm.
Highest Return On Investment ROI
Tommy Medias pay per lead program offers the most favorable return on investment (ROI) when compared to other marketing programs. Unlike expensive alternatives with uncertain outcomes, our program ensures a steady flow of new leads to your firm, allowing you to accurately assess the ROI on your marketing investment.
We give Firms The Ability To Grow Fast
Looking to generate new client leads and boost your firm’s revenue?
With Keeland Media’s pay-per-lead service, you can begin receiving fresh leads as early as the very day you sign up.
Marketing specialists aimed at helping you and your firm grow
You’ll have the backing of a group of professionals in law firm marketing who will customize your lead generation strategy and optimize your investment to guarantee you achieve the best possible Return On Investment (ROI).
Asking questions to identify qualified leads
With the help of our forms, connecting with attorneys has never been easier for consumers. We have designed screening questions that are customized to address their specific legal concerns guaranteeing that only qualified candidates are approved. These forms collect contact information and case specific details, which are promptly shared with you.
How It Works:
A consumer has a legal issue and needs to hire a lawyer and searches online to find a solution to their legal problem.
The consumer lands on one of the web properties in our legal network and fills out a detailed form with all of their case requirements.
We then take these detailed cases and deliver them to your firm as a new client inquiry, or lead.
Your firm proceeds to follow up with the consumer.